I just watched the movie Legally Blonde starring Reese Whitherspoon. I liked this movie very much inspite of its cliches and some stereo typical portrayals. After all it was a very genuine movie about a genuine character.
Elle is a sorority girl and she remains that way throughout the movie. More importantly she is proud of whatever that she is. It is very subtly brought out in many of the dialogues, like the one she has with Paulette Bonafonté the person who does her nails.
This movie was released long back and never watched it thinking it must be one of those date movies, telling myself that I don't like these kinds of movies. I am glad I finally saw it.
I had similar thoughts about Miss Congeniality until I saw. I like that one too.
Have read about the sequels of both of them being bad. Anyway haven't seen them, until then.